
iba a responder el comentario que dejaste en el epílogo pero al final se borró :'( quería darte las gracias por todo el apoyo, el interés y cariño que le diste a la historia, lo aprecio de verdad. cuídate


@lourdcult Es que lo cambié un poco, pero ya lo volví a poner! muchas gracias a ti por contestar y por tu linda historia 


Hi! I noticed that you're checking out "Strongest Hope!" I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy it. ♥️ Mags


@MariTapia904 oh you sweet, wonderful thing! You've made me so very happy with you generous words. I can't thank you enough for supporting me and my writing. You've made my whole day! Hope to see you soon! ❤️ Mags


@magpiequeen444 Hi, I just want to congratulate you on the beautiful story you wrote "Strongest hope" you made me cry, laugh and feel so many emotions! That is what in my opinion makes a good story, I can only thank you for the pleasant moments I spent reading it. I hope you continue writing you have great talent and your prose is exquisite.