
Hey everyone! Just wanted to take some time to again thank everyone for reading my book! A lot of you have made my day so much sweeter while others have made me laugh so hard from all of your comments! 
          	No matter what you think of my book: hate, love, confused, regretted reading, waiting for another book. 
          	I love all your comments and perspectives on my book. It helps me realize things as a new writer and how to improve for the future. 
          	So keep doing what your doing and I’ll keep trying to write another story for everyone!!! 


Hello Author!
          I am a representative of Stary Writing (Dreame).
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to take some time to again thank everyone for reading my book! A lot of you have made my day so much sweeter while others have made me laugh so hard from all of your comments! 
          No matter what you think of my book: hate, love, confused, regretted reading, waiting for another book. 
          I love all your comments and perspectives on my book. It helps me realize things as a new writer and how to improve for the future. 
          So keep doing what your doing and I’ll keep trying to write another story for everyone!!! 


Will there be a sequal to your bookM maybe one that follows their kids?


@MariaClaire1290 it does answer my question and I so respect your decision! That makes you a great writer, to know when to stop and when to write. Love the story


Hi! @Nikki0581 so glad to hear you liked the book enough to want a second one. You can’t imagine how happy that makes me. Unfortunately, as of now, I am not planning to create a sequel to this book. The reasons being that i am a strong believer in if an author isn’t dedicated to writing a book than it won’t be a good book. And I would rather give a book that has my full attention and care rather than a half ass knock off to satisfy readers just for votes. The other reason being is that I am currently working on another book that I’ve had the idea for, for awhile now. And with this one I am taking the time to figure out plots, personalities as well as character development. 
            However, just as you have mentioned I did leave the ending of Obsidian Night Pack open. And that is for when I have the motivation and time to dedicate and give you and other readers the sequel you all deserve. 
            This was probably a longer explanation that you were expecting, but I hope this answers your questions and gives you hope to the new stories that will come and for Clover and Alaric’s story that is yet to be told. 


I just finished your story. I couldn't stop reading it.  It was a refreshingly great take and not the typical shifter story. I would love to see whatever else you have in the future. 


@kaira____06  thank you so much I’m so happy you like it! 


@MariaClaire1290 Hi, your story is really captivating


Hey guys and happy New Years! Thought I would give just a small announcement to reassure everyone of a few things.
          Number 1: I am still writing it’s just a long process and things seem to constantly and consistently coming up that interferes with that. 
          Number 2: And the main reason for this post. I keep getting messages from other publishing companies saying they will “make me a paid author.” This goes to everyone else on here that is writing too. Do not accept these offers for one they are shitty deals and are just plan bad. I know because other authors have warned me against it.
          Number 3: at least for me, I won’t accept these offers. Because for one Wattpad was where everything started for me and the first place I felt the freedom to write. 
          So I will not be, nor will I ever be making The Obsidian Night Pack a book that you guys would need to pay for. I didn’t write the book to get money from it. I wrote it to share a story with you guys. 
          Just thought I would make that clear to you guys because it seems like these other apps keep posting offers on my book 
          Thank you and I hope you all have a fantastic start to the new year!!! 


Hi guys! I wanted to get on here real quick and give a huge thank you to each and everyone of you. I’ve just reached over 400K on my book The Obsidian Night Pack and I still can’t believe it. To all of you who binged it in a single night and those who ended everyday reading a chapter I want to thank you . I’m so happy you all enjoyed it so much. 
          I also have to say I’m sorry . It looks like I haven’t been checking up enough on my followers and the readers that viewed my book. I’ve missed messages and posts straight to my board. So I want to say thank you for all of the comments and I apologize that I don’t see them until much later than I should. I promise you though that I do see them all when I get the chance and I love them. I appreciate the compliments and I hope you guys know that every single one of them motivates me to keep writing and keep working on my current project. 
          Hope to give you an update soon on my latest work. Until then happy holidays ❤️❤️❤️


You're very good writer I truly did really enjoy this book one of the first that I've enjoyed from start to finish in a long time even when comparing them to Kindle books you have a talent I'm sure you go far if you continue to develop it good luck


Thank you so much  I greatly appreciate your kind words and I hope you know I take them to heart. Apologies for not replying sooner ❤️ happy holidays 


Hey guys! It has been awhile, but I just wanted to say a few things to ya! 
          First off welcome to all the new followers! I appreciate all of your likes and comments❤️❤️❤️
          Second, I want you guys to know that I still check in once and a while to see how my book is doing. I LOVE reading every single one of your comments. They make me laugh, smile and just over all have joy that you guys enjoy the book. Along with the  occasional flaws  
          Thirdly! And most importantly! I have been absent from Wattpad. Partly because life’s crazy right now with school starting back up again, working all summer all while trying to write another story for you guys. 
          Trust me when I say I am so excited  to finish this story for you. I’ve spent most of my time planning this one out instead of just seeing where the characters take me. I’m creating, personalities, challenges and victories for each and every character. 
          I haven’t given up on writing, but I want to make sure that this story takes you somewhere that you wish you could be a part of. So, I’ll continue my drafting and creating and keep checking in on The Obsidian Night pack when I get the chance. 
          Keep commenting! Those things make my day!


@MariaClaire1290 brilliant to here from you will look forward to your next book xx