
Hello Followers, 
          	I just wanted to say that I will be starting a new job tomorrow and although I am still writing in Soldiers Mercy, Forbidden and Wolf. The chapters I have been working on will be hopefully be posted this weekend and so on. its been taking me a while on all of them, some I have had to go back and read a chapter or two to regather my train of thought and how I want the story to go. FORBIDDEN has been a challenge these last few chapters. I had put it off to think and regroup, I posted a new one that maybe seems different and working on a new one that will for sure make sense of it again. but I hope to finish that book this year. and focus on SOlider mercy and WOlf more. I hope you all enjoy the books and please leave me any comments regarding them on your thoughts it's always helpful to know how you guys feel and want the story to go. look forward to writing and updating for you soon. :) Maria.


Hello Followers, 
          I just wanted to say that I will be starting a new job tomorrow and although I am still writing in Soldiers Mercy, Forbidden and Wolf. The chapters I have been working on will be hopefully be posted this weekend and so on. its been taking me a while on all of them, some I have had to go back and read a chapter or two to regather my train of thought and how I want the story to go. FORBIDDEN has been a challenge these last few chapters. I had put it off to think and regroup, I posted a new one that maybe seems different and working on a new one that will for sure make sense of it again. but I hope to finish that book this year. and focus on SOlider mercy and WOlf more. I hope you all enjoy the books and please leave me any comments regarding them on your thoughts it's always helpful to know how you guys feel and want the story to go. look forward to writing and updating for you soon. :) Maria.


When will you have a new update for solider’s mercy? It’s an excellent story so far!


@LeahMartinez884 Im so glad you did. yeah I wasn't sure how i wanted it to go. but im glad for the feed back.


            Ahh, thank you, yeah I plan to come back on here soon to update all my stories I know everyone has been waiting patiently.  I wasn't sure about this story or where i was going. but I will see about adding to it for you soon. thank you for reaching out. :) so glad you like the story.


Hey guys,
          Little updated:) I know I have been MIA for a bit but things a have been crazy here at home and busy! I apologize for leaving cliff hangers and some much need loved and chapters on the other stories I have in the works, but please know I will be returning here I hope in a few weeks or even days to catch you all up on things.  Also I don’t plan to stop the writing of any books unless other wises noted, until they are completed! So that’s good news! 
          So stay tuned because FORBIDDEN! Has a few chapters coming, SOLIDER
          MERCY! And a few tigers as well! 
          Be safe and take care
           love you guys, so grateful for my fans thank you! 


 Sorry correction not tigers, but others! 


Hey guys 
          Please Don’t forget to leave feed back if you can! It’s such a big help when directing the path of each story! Knowing you love, like or dislike where’s it’s heading helps me navigate:) plus I love hearing from you:) 
          Thank you all so much for the support and love! 
          Stay tuned for new chapters coming out! 
          Soldiers mercy
          Sebastian’s bonus chapters


Hey guys,
          New chapters out for forbidden! And more coming soon. My eyes are still healing so I am limited to the computer screen time but I promise to get chapters out as soon as I can ! Editing is killer on me but please hang in there for me. And thank you all for the love and support ! 


Hey guys I know I’ve been out for a while! It’s just been really busy and to top that off I finally got lasik done but my sight is still healing so I am limited to the blue light phone or computer screens. I’ll be back with updates on all books and chapters as soon as I can see clear enough to write them. Even this message is straining my eyes my apologies if it’s not readable! Have a good night, day be safe! Forbidden, wolf, and more will be updates in a few weeks pray my eyes keep getting better because I can’t wait to write for you all again! Thank you 


Hey everyone, okay so hopfully you won't kill me. lol but i have a new book yeah I know I guess I like to write and have many ideas but this book is different. I will be taking my time on it really feeling the characters as I write them and where I want them to go. not sure yet if I want it to be a supernatural kind of book or not. but so far it has that mystry about it. I hope you will all love it as it unfolds.  Please take a look and tell me what you think of it. 
          PS. my current books will not suffer becuase of this book, Forbidden is still being written and soon it will be completed when IDK yet. the Extras for Seb's story are being considered to maybe just maybe become a series no sure yet.  but at least the end to the bonuses will come to and end soon.  and the others I have out are for now pending.  so unles there is a book you all really want me to keep working on thats not on of the above mentioned , leave me a comment. but others wise hope you like the new one its called "WOLF"