@The_Elegant_One I'm currently in my internship until July and I'm liking it so far because me and my team have been achieving great results! However, the past month my team mates relied on me to do all the work so I had to do mine times three... it was a bit frustrating but not stressful because it was something I enjoyed doing! Now, each of us has a task so I don't have to worry about them, juat warning from time to time that although we have different tasks we should do them because we depend in each other to complete the project! I'd tell you more about it when I have time to elaborate~ I'm at home too, since it's online but since I love being at home I can't relate with the boring part, haha but I understand you- indeed getting out even if it's only to go to the shopping mall can make you really happy, I know covid cases in India have been increasing exponentially and I've been so worried about you but I'm glad your family and you have been taking precautions and staying at home! Don't rush to get out until the peak hasn't decreased... it won't be like this forever, you know~ cheer up and I hope you discover new things you like during this time, a new hobby that can become your passion? Well, I love you too lots and lots ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ (inserts hug emoji and kissy face emoji and chocolate heart gift emoji to make you my sweet because you're already my special *pun intended* and wink wink)