
Small Excerpt from A Map Of Days, as found on Amazon Book Review:
          	[Talking about Loop Lag and the symptoms]
          	'"Spontaneous Pregnancy?" [Miss P]
          	Emma recoiled. "You're not serious!"
          	"It's only happened once, that we know of," said Miss Peregrine. She set down the cookies and fixed me with a stare. "The subject was male."
          	"I'm not pregnant!" I said a little too loudly.
          	"And thank goodness for that!" someone shouted from the living room.
          	Oh, goodness. HAHA This is hilarious. See more on


Oops sorry on Amazon book review


Small Excerpt from A Map Of Days, as found on Amazon Book Review:
          [Talking about Loop Lag and the symptoms]
          '"Spontaneous Pregnancy?" [Miss P]
          Emma recoiled. "You're not serious!"
          "It's only happened once, that we know of," said Miss Peregrine. She set down the cookies and fixed me with a stare. "The subject was male."
          "I'm not pregnant!" I said a little too loudly.
          "And thank goodness for that!" someone shouted from the living room.
          Oh, goodness. HAHA This is hilarious. See more on


Oops sorry on Amazon book review