
Hey ! Im so sorry i haven't been working on my story ( My 2 Chance) I've been so busy with school. My email been blowing up thanks for support I'll ve working on it soon!!!!!!


Hey thanks for voting on, and commenting on my story! I plan to continue writing it very soon :)


@JetFlashStarGirl haha omg same!!! I have a lot haven't barely read any yet but no worries i plan too 


@JetFlashStarGirl oh haha I got locked out of an account of mine too around 2 years ago so I get it lol. Sure I'll put them in my library and eventually start reading them (I have about a million books in there that I plan to read so no telling when I can start lol)


I literally just got done eating , Cookies and Cream Icecream with strawberries and didnt think it would taste good , but omg It IS AMAZING! I really fo reconmend you guys to try it
          ANYWAYS!!! So i am still writing the 5 th chapter of My 2 Chance, so stay tuned!!!! Also thanks for the feedback in my inbox!  Yes Lucas is pretty annoying so far, if you are not that far , keep reading because it does get better!!!


Also my current profile picture is not me haha i just admire her , she is a rapper  and model not super famous but if you want to see more of her you can follower on Instagram : @weebajean 
          So yeah , i'm currently writing my story on a lap top that isn't mine , so starting tomorrow nad perhaps for a while chapter 5 and 6 will be a little late. Becuase i am also getting a new phone and all that good stuff!! so just wanted to keep you all updated