
Check out my new poetry compilation of haiku and let me know what you think please!


Thanks for adding The Realms to your reading list. I hope you enjoy it.  :)


@RElizabethM You are most welcome! I really loved how The Realms developed and grew and am excited to read The Wishing Tree 


@MariamSAlenezi Thanks for adding The Wishing Tree, too. It'll probably be complete and posted in about a week.  :)


@MariamSAlenezi Thanks so much for this exchange - I always appreciate other people's thoughts and ideas on my book. 
            While I agree that artistic license is important in terms of my characters, plot, etc, if I post on Wattpad and I want people to read it, I also have to take reader feedback into account. I also paid three beta readers and two out of the three couldn't "connect" with Hannah and said they would have stopped reading had they not been paid. 
            So, if Hannah is coming across as strong, but reasonably likable, that's down to that. I went in and rewrote chapter one and went through a few other sections where she comes across as difficult and softened her slightly. In short, I think there has to be a bit of a balance between how I want to portray my characters and what I can get people to "buy into" and continue reading.  :)
            If you finish it, I'll be interested to know what you think of Hannah's character arc.  :)