
Assalamu alaikom everyone! ❤
          	I made a new cover! ^_^
          	Who likes it??? 


@Mariam_elazab11 Wa alaykumussalaam! 
          	  Meeeee!  (:
          	  Its so beautiful MashaAllah ♥


assalamualaikum mariam_elazab, can i wear your quotes on my media social? actually sya tk pndai sgt bi so hrp u phm la ek? sya nk minta izin pkai quotes mariam and sya akn letak skali nm mariam kat situ bila sya post? can? bcs i love so much quotes about islam in english but yaa sya tk bijak bi


walaikom assalam! I actually don’t understand what language ur speaking in but from what I understand you want to share quotes from my book on your social media.. and of course you can sis!! Take care 


As- Salamu Alaikum Mariam.
          The Night Queen here. Would you mind checking out my book "She Is His Everything"? It'll mean a lot to me. Really.
          I am sure you'll like the suspense in it. Insha Allah! Do vote and comment.
          Will be eagerly Waiting for your reply sister.


@ZARA-TheNightQueen  walaikom assalam! in shaa Allah ill add it to my library and check it out when im free! please do have a look through my book as well! jazana wa iyakom!