simple lang....


naughty gurl....

I'm 100% hUmAn-bEing!!! (veRy sUre)
anD cUte too.... ehehe

I'm jUst a siMpLe & a naUghty gUrL!!!
(I'm juST sayinG da tRuth..)
dEy say i'm spoiLed...(ummmm.. mybe..)

DeY saY I'm fun to be with..
(i thinK sO..)

thEy teLL me thAt I'm fRiendLy & joLLy pErsOn..

I'm simpLy beinG me..

What i don't like to the pErson is that:
- beinG OA
- FeeLeR
- bAckbiter
- people who are not sincere

thOse aRe dA traits dAt i dO nOt wAnt frOm a peRSon..

if u aRe oNe oF dEm dEn dOn't maKe fRienDs with mEh!!

im just teLLing the truth....

I'm a nice gUrl but dont ever mess up with me or eLse u wiLL knOw who really SHAYNE is!!

they say that i'm a Loquacious person.. (yAh it's tRue)

i Like peOpLe whO have seNse oF humOr.. jUst like meh..ehehe

I LoVe goinG out wiD mAh fWenz...

TiLL hEre nLang cOz i dOnt have nOthing to say..
BztA jUst rEad mAh teztimoNialz...
  • JoinedSeptember 18, 2013

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