
I've just finished revising a new chapter of "Onliest Freak" called "A Messy Girl and Ginger ale". Roan is now making new discoveries in the big people world  and there's no turning back. Hope you have time to read it and give me some feedback if you can.


I've just finished revising a new chapter of "Onliest Freak" called "A Messy Girl and Ginger ale". Roan is now making new discoveries in the big people world  and there's no turning back. Hope you have time to read it and give me some feedback if you can.


I've finished revising Chapter 9 and am working on more illustrations. I've had two successful surgeries and am slowly regaining my energy and motivation so I hope to keep publishing a new chapter each week. Please let me know what you think about my story so far.


@gavin_w Thanks Gavin. I am happy to be working on my book again. I'll check out your profile to see what you've been up to :)


Glad to hear that your surgeries went well, and it's great to see you back on here! I look forward to reading more of your work!


Thank you for following me back! I really enjoyed the first chapter of Onliest Freak and I'm excited to read more. Happy to have discovered it : )


Nice to make a new friend! I'm glad you're enjoying Onliest Freak. If you have time please let me know your thoughts as you read the chapters. 


Here's Chapter 6 -- still no illustrations, though. My last chemo treatment has made me very sick and numbed my feet and fingers, so drawing was too difficult. I am on the mend, today was the first day I felt okay to work. I revised this (long) chapter and actually finished and put it up. I hope you enjoy it -- it has a pivotal moment that changes Roan's life forever. Please leave comments if the character motivations or actions are unclear.


Aaaaaand here's Chapter 5 -- without illustrations. I've been putting off publishing the net installment since I have not finished the illustrations, yet. Due to sickness and family issues my energy level is kind of low. I will add new drawings as I finish them but I decided to keep the momentum of the story going. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote and let me know what you think. I'm very open to constructive criticism to help me revise and improve.


Thank you so much for your concern. It's not an easy time for me but I have an amazing team of doctors and one of the best cancer facilities in Canada is right here in my city. So, with this excellent care and all the support from family and friends I am getting better! 


@MarieBee18 , all the best thoughts to you! Hope to catch up soon. Your story is good even without the drawings :)


@MarieBee18  I just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you and hope things only improve from here. <3


Finally got around to reading more of Roan and Jack's adventure! It's a great read, an dim looking forward to reading Chapter Four!


Excellent, I'll check back when it's up then!


Thank for reading, @gavin_w -- The next chapter is coming soon. Just finishing up on the illustrations.


Thanks for adding Beastly Little Boy to your reading list! It's great to see someone else interested in Middle Grade fiction on this site.


@MarieBee18 I'm not sure if there is a Middle Grade group here, but you could try searching #middlegrade to find other Middle Grade books. They aren't very common on this site.


@sandydragon1  I'm looking forward to reading more Beastly Little Boy. Do you know if there is a Middle Grade group somewhere on the site? I would love to chat with other writers who love to write for this age group.


Just read Onliest Freak. You've got a real knack for description and I really enjoyed your writing. When will you be updating it?


@gavin_w I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I am just finishing the illustrations and will be updating later today or tomorrow. I will check out your writing soon.


Hello Wattpad world. I am excited to present my first book -- Onliest Freak. It's a Middle Grade fantasy about  the power of friendship and the need to belong. The target readers are kids from 9 to 12 (and of course any teens or adults who enjoy fantasy/adventure with a 13 year old protagonist). Onliest Freak includes illustrations and videos. I plan to update once a week with new pictures as well as continuing the story. If you like my book I would appreciate your votes, follows, and comments. I don't NEED encouragement to finish but it would be cool to know that someone is looking forward to the next installment :) Thanks for reading.


@angelapoppe Thanks for the welcome and the advice. I looked at the Next Big Recognition and it seems like an amazing concept.  I will attempt to join, soon. All the best back at you!


@MarieBee18 hello and welcome to Wattpad! Thank you so much for reading The Moonlight Boy! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it. And I can't wait to read your book. Sounds amazing! 
            I would recommend you to join the Next Big Recognition. It's a great book club with amazing writers and reviewers. 
            Also, whenever you need to know something about Wattpad or a chat or whatever, you can always PM. I might reply late (I have two girls myself), but I will reply eventually. All the best to you!