
Hey everyone! :) I just published the beginning of my new novella, "Finding Light," for the #JustWriteIt contest for the Wattys! :) It's quite different from A Game of Colours, but I'd love it if you checked it out and gave me your thoughts. :) -Marie


          I just published a new story called Some Thoughts for the End of the World.
          I'll be posting something new every week, and it's just a collection of things to think about because my brain doesn't shut up and I need to put this stuff somewhere. I hope you enjoy :)


Hey everybody! I hope you're all having a nice holiday (and eating food because that's kind of all I've been doing oops). I'm almost finished the next chapter and I'm so excited to share it with you guys (you're going to love it, I promise ;) 
          In the meantime, thanks a bunch for following A Game of Colours and happy holidays!