Don’t know if you guys watch Tiger King on Netflix? However, I’m going on a rant, I have always hated zoo’s, since I was a child. I refused over and over on the occasions that my neglectful parents tried to show us as a normal family. That said, no exotic animal should be in the company of a human unless it needs medical treatment. Mother Nature is the most cleverest entity we know and have. Mother Nature never created animals for our personal amusement. Mother Nature created animals for many reasons. They are an essential part of our ecosystem. Animals don’t belong to us, even those that people put on their plates. I get that some enjoy eating certain animals, that’s their business, but when it comes to having wildlife on their land it’s wrong and it’s barbaric. I even have an issue with so called conservationists, they use the excuse that they’re needed, it’s as if they’re smarter than Mother Nature. Conservation organisations are just a money making scheme.