
@PuppyHeart10 you're welcome, and thank you for reading! We're soooo happy you like the books ❤️


We want to thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts for sticking with us and reading the Demons series. Like we have said multiple times, this fanfic was intended for our friend Katelyn, and solely her. We never expected to get as many reads as we did, but we are thrilled that we have. Reaching over half a million reads is insane, and we couldn't have done it without you guys! We love you and are truly sad to end Katelyn and Luke's journey, but at least it was a good one. Please comment your thoughts on the story, we love hearing about your experience while reading it. We love you guys and thank you again. Please make sure to check out our new Larry fanfic, Mirrors, and after we finish that we already have a Harry Styles fanfic planned named Thirty Lives. We are far from done here, so if you, hopefully, enjoyed our stories so far, feel free to check out our new one! 


hey thanks so much for the follow. I literally almost had a heart attack when I saw that you had followed me. The Demons series made me cry and I was hooked when I first read the first one. I'm in love with the books and can't wait for the next update. thank you so much for the follow. you are by far one of the best and my new favourite authors. love you guys and don't stop doing what you do.


@MartyArendelleFrost oh my god thank you so much! we love you and were so grateful that you like our series