
Um, hello there :) i just wanted to say hi and how are you? Hope good.  Here now is 01:55AM and I feel kinda lonely.. yeah these days are supposed to be great, happy and all but I don't know. I guess every year is the same. I'm just sharing you know? This beautiful place is like a home to me. I'm writing this, because I'm working on something with myself.. erm I'm trying to express my feelings and I don't thing is working tho' but at least I wrote this. Step by step yeah?


Um, hello there :) i just wanted to say hi and how are you? Hope good.  Here now is 01:55AM and I feel kinda lonely.. yeah these days are supposed to be great, happy and all but I don't know. I guess every year is the same. I'm just sharing you know? This beautiful place is like a home to me. I'm writing this, because I'm working on something with myself.. erm I'm trying to express my feelings and I don't thing is working tho' but at least I wrote this. Step by step yeah?


'' Това не означава, че трябва буквално и преносно да използвате хладнокръвно човека до вас просто като парче огледало. Означава, че да търсите подобни неща от него само по себе си е о-б-р-е-ч-е-н-о. Как е възможно този човек да отрази тези качества към вас, ако вие самия не ги притежавате? Нали той ще отрази именно тяхната липса? И вместо да видим и да се поучим от това, ние ставаме агресивни и просто решаваме, че човека е неподходящ. И просто продължаваме да търсим „идеалния човек“. А такъв няма. Теоретично, ние можем да се свържем с всеки, просто защото така или иначе всичко е Едно. Но в същото време няма да можем да се свържем с никого докато не разберем, че не можем да очакваме нищо от никого преди самите ние да сме постигнали това, което „изискваме“ да бъде отразено към нас. ''


Thank you so much for adding my book to your reading list and welcome to wattpad. There are many great books on here. 
          Much Love Xx


@MarielaGeorgieva0 It certainly is like a form of paradise :)
            Have fun reading Xx


@SweaterWeather_Harry No, I thank you that you wrote this incredible book. And about the books .. you're right here is like paradise!


Hey! I wanted to say that I am new here, I love this site, all the books and the writers. You are all very talented and I can not wait to read as much as possible. I was looking for such a place like this and I finally founded.. soooo happy. I literally lose track of time, but I don't regret. Have a wonderful day, good luck and Lots of love from Bulgaria .xx