
Realizing that a lot of people I used to follow are leaving the platform. I mean, it's understandable because just like them I too have grown up and Wattpad feels a bit odd to come back to. Still, I might as well stay and finish what I started. Really wish the ADHD didn't hit mid-writing but hey, we will get there eventually.


Realizing that a lot of people I used to follow are leaving the platform. I mean, it's understandable because just like them I too have grown up and Wattpad feels a bit odd to come back to. Still, I might as well stay and finish what I started. Really wish the ADHD didn't hit mid-writing but hey, we will get there eventually.


A reminder for new readers of my BTS Reactions/Scenarios: I was 16 when I first wrote those books. I am now 23 and honestly, a lot of things said in those books I am both embarrassed and cringing at. I will eventually re-edit them for those, who like me, are getting older. I want my writing to represent the me of today not the me at 16  who thought she was mature but was actually a child.


Me and my mother finally getting along now that I'm 23 and came clean to her about some of my that is growth.


@strawverymilktae <3 you're doing great I'm proud of you


@Marili_Cruz part of growth is about being brave yet still recognize the boundaries. *virtual hugs*


There is a lot I want to rewrite since I am now old enough to understand some of the terrible writing I did back in the day. Hopefully, I get some time after work to just sit and edit a lot of my old books that need to be revamped to my new style of writing and with a lot more tact than I had before. A lot of things are outdated or give off bad vibes and those need to be re-written so don't be too hard on me, I was 16 when I wrote some of those books and now I'm about to be 23.