Had the weirdest dream ever last night and it have me a headache when I woke up. Here's the story;
I was on my couch sleeping until I heard a doorbell ringing. I woke up and rushed to the livingroom. I opened the door and saw One Direction. I was surprised...
Harry Styles took my arm and shoved me into their car. We went on many adventures, WEIRD adventures (Zayn was still there in the band btw). Ok now here's the weird part...
I went to a mall with One Direction and just then I got lost, but luckily I found my parents so I run up to them. They were asking where was I. I said I didn't know. After replying, my parents didn't care and took me to a random ice cream parlor. (Weird right?)
Suddenly I woke up and I feeling like I have a headache.
That was soooo weird.....