
Hi guys! After doing nothing over quarantine, I believe I finally have the motivation to start writing again. It's been hard to find this motivation, I think I was honestly afraid of my writing being unprofessional compared to the other stories I've read on this app. But I'm feeling more confident now, and even though I already know I'm gonna be crazy busy in the next few months, I'm ready for it, and ready to try to keep writing as much as I can. My writing might not be the best, but I'll do my best with the quality so I can be proud of what I give y'all. Hope everyone is doing well! -MJ


I'm also going to be updating chapters to fit my story vision. There could be some changes in the story, but we'll see how it goes. Love y'all!


Hi guys! After doing nothing over quarantine, I believe I finally have the motivation to start writing again. It's been hard to find this motivation, I think I was honestly afraid of my writing being unprofessional compared to the other stories I've read on this app. But I'm feeling more confident now, and even though I already know I'm gonna be crazy busy in the next few months, I'm ready for it, and ready to try to keep writing as much as I can. My writing might not be the best, but I'll do my best with the quality so I can be proud of what I give y'all. Hope everyone is doing well! -MJ


I'm also going to be updating chapters to fit my story vision. There could be some changes in the story, but we'll see how it goes. Love y'all!


I know I should be focusing on continuing my other works, but this was something I had to get down. I'll hopefully be on this platform more than I have in the past months. In the beginning of my break I was focusing more on schoolwork, but with how 2020 was going I just needed some time to think. Hope everyone's doing well, stay strong and please support each other, MJ


It'll soon be the one-year anniversary of first publishing/drafting one of my stories, The Princess's Rebellion. I had debated starting it for so long back then due to some insecurities I had of actually writing and publishing something I came up with. 
          Right off the bat, I was nervous because I didn't think I had what it took to create something people all around the world could read and enjoy. I spent way more time than needed on a 359-word prologue, trying to perfect the words and flow of the writing. I honestly didn't have much confidence in the pieces I wrote, but soon grew to love writing. 
          The first few reads I received made me feel on top of the world, and that along with the support of my friends and family that read a few excerpts and the few readers online that commented their opinions and encouragement gave me the drive to keep going. Each chapter gave me more certainty that I had found what I love, and that this is what I want to keep doing. 
          Call it destiny or luck, this platform has brought out a new me that I couldn't have found anywhere else. Writing is apart of my life now, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have found something I believe I'm good at, and I will continue to enhance my abilities to get better at it as well. 
          Getting to this point, with 1k those votes and comments. Thank you to my family and friends that have helped me see that I can do anything I can put my mind to. I'm looking forward to the years to come on Wattpad as I grow and expand my skills, and I hope everyone can enjoy what I have to give and enjoy their own awesome works as well. Much love to everyone reading this, no matter where you are, and I hope you all have a lovely day<3


I first want to apologize for not keeping my promise of a new chapter. I was procrastinating the last couple days, and now I’m away with limited time to be on any device. I will be back on Tuesday, so I’m planning to hopefully update the P’sR by late Wednesday-early Thursday. I’ll also be working on better time management as more busy days are approaching. Love u all <3


Hi y'all! I hope everyone's doing fantastic this week, and is ready for a new chapter in the P'sR! I'm also going to go through some more editing within the chapters of this book(sry) and do my best for at least one new chapter by July 6th. I thought I was done for a while(hence the end of the last chapter in the P'sR), but I've finally gotten myself together to use the opportunities I have, so I apologize for that goodbye message. If anyone is confused about the events in any book, don't hesitate to message me about your questions. I'll do my best to set them straight for anyone as well as alter the wording so things are clearer. The updates/edits will start tomorrow, and I'll let y'all know if I majorly changed a chapter in a way that it probably needs to be reread to be understandable. Thank you guys for your patience!


I’m really sorry for the lack of updates. I got back safely from the trip, but with so many things going on, saying it’s getting hectic in our house is an understatement. After this week is finished I should have the next few months open for writing with maybe a couple weeks in between where I won’t be able to update. I’ll make it one of my top priorities to keep up the books, but I’m getting stretched to the limit right now. 
          I hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the weather if it’s favorable


<3 u guys for being so patient!!


Sorry I’ve been silent for a while - I meant to mention that a business trip with my mom came up and where we’re going WiFi isn’t always available. I will be pretty busy for the next 2-3 weeks(ugh) but after that I’ll have more than plenty of time to update(yay!) And summer is coming soon:D 