
Thank you and good bye to everyone who has supported me on this. I love all of you guys especially the people who roleplayed with me
          	The explanation I may owe you is: I’m afdicted to smut/porn and I’m trying to get rid of it in baby steps. This is my first step


@Marine_Roleplaying  that’s a huge step and it’s good for you that your taking it Ik we don’t talk much but good luck <3


Thank you and good bye to everyone who has supported me on this. I love all of you guys especially the people who roleplayed with me
          The explanation I may owe you is: I’m afdicted to smut/porn and I’m trying to get rid of it in baby steps. This is my first step


@Marine_Roleplaying  that’s a huge step and it’s good for you that your taking it Ik we don’t talk much but good luck <3


(Mafia au)
          Jensen was in the woods shooting at a target at the other end of the clearing. He hummed softly to himself as he trained.
          Jensen pulled Cedar over to a haunted house with a grin. “This is gonna be fun!”


            "Don't worry... it's all fake." He said and moved away, gripping onto Cedar.


@_hear_me_ cedar gratefully held on tightly.
            The lights flickered and then there were sounds…
            Sssscreeeeee! It went silently again they heard small movements.. swish- from behind them tucKh from the side kuderghh from over top of them. Like chairs were moving in the dark.
            The light started to flicker. And true enough objects had moved around but there was no one to be seen. 
            “Jensen.” Cedar whimpered holding tightly on to him 


            He tensed and pulled Cedar over.


Zora was curiously exploring the new magic she had, black could feel her using little bits of different skills of his. 


@RosebudRP he nodded cradling her body 


@Marine_Roleplaying “not right now” she murmured, laying with him 