@Awesomewolf90 @OfficTemmie @RoyallyTrash No, I am not coming back to this account. I did something bad to someone I barely met and within an hour of us meeting, they tried to leave because of me. When I woke up and asked what was wrong, they refused to talk to me about it and then deleted the comment chain in which I was involved in any way. I did something that bad to a person I barely even know, and every time I come on this stupid account I'm reminded of that idiot mistake that ruined any chances I had of making a new friend. So no, I will not come back to this hell account. You guys are the only people who even care, you can move on, and no one barely even read my books. I have 172 followers that pay no attention to me whatsoever, so why would they care if I left. No one cares but you guys, I'm sorry but I don't think I'm going to change my mind because 3 of the 172 people that have access to my account tell me not to.
-Marion, over and out