[story time] So I liked someone in my math class he was so nice when (key word:when) we first met and it was like this for about a month. then only a couple days before I post this comment he just sort of … changed. He started glaring at me when I sit at the same table as him even if it’s the only spot left. The week before I post this comment one of my home room classmates told me he had a conversation with my crush and told me that my crush hated me and thought I am annoying. Today as I post this I sat as his table because it was the last spot to sit he scoughes and glares at me even though it was the only spot left and now I think I will agree on something with the home room classmate I mentioned earlier… he hates me. I am now heartbroken which could break heartstrings and make your heart unable to pump blood normally which leads to death…