Oi oi, essa sua fanfic me motivou a escrever a minha própria fanfic de valorant! eu só queria saber uma coisa, mesmo tendo um pouco de vergonha de perguntar, kk, posso usar a chameleon como outra agente na minha fanfic?
to desenhando... se quiserem saber mais dos meus desenhos, me siga no twitter: @/ATeenGuardian ou só pesquisa Mari's Little World, que aparece meu perfil
man, I want to create one more story, but this time it's my own original fictional story based on 2000's disney sitcoms and teen movies. When my exams are over, I'll start working on it
What happened next in chapter of hot wheels dose Max what about over the pass. Or Tora Vert, nolo , Kurt ,Tork , Markie and shirako too feeling remember as childhood. What if they try cheer up with Max as new friends and new family.
On the next chapters, the drivers will know better about Max's life (some will try to befriend him), and it's going to have a big revelation after the ice realm that will affect the main character.