
Sapphire Whispers crossed 3k+ views, 3oo+ votes and 300+ comments. Thank you so much for giving the story so much love.❤️


Hey , thank you dear for giving your precious  time to my book  and reading it  , hope it was worth your time and you enjoyed read it .would you  mind sharing your review ? 


@Author_Harmanpreet yeah I remember,  I was going to read ahead but got distracted with other things  . 
            I'm glad you liked it,  thank you once again❤


            Hi, Thank you to you too for voting on the dedication of my book- Sapphire Whispers. If you remember voting for it. I stumbled upon your account through that. 
            I enjoyed reading the chapters and eagerly waiting for the next chapters. 


Congratulations for 900+ reads wohoooo best wishes for future hope you get more success evil's eye off hehe✨


Thank you. Best wishes for your future too❤️❤️


Helluuuuuuuu thank you for checking out my works, kind hooman! I'm so honoured humbled and grateful for all the generous love and support! May you get rewarded in manifolds for all the joy you bring me! Stay happy healthy glowing thriving safe and smiling, okie?❤✨ Take care and I hope you have a lovely lovely day/night! Love ya<33333


@elsa88_22 omg tHANK YOUUU I'm so sorry i saw this just now and I'm so late! but you are so AMAZING and so kind! I'll continue to work harder thankyou very much for the love<333


            Heyaa!!! You too take care of yourself and stay happy and healthy always ❣️You matter and hence make it a point to have yourself matter to you ❤️ Prioritise yourself too then you make time and effort to take care of yourself and needs, perhaps a happier and aligned state of mind and being is possible. You retain the power  keep smiling  love you too ❤️ Take care of yourself...i have read one of the venom's chapter and what you wrote was soo good and i was like ohh she has same thoughts which I have...keep it up bro LOVE YOU GOOD NIGHT SWEET DREAMS ❤️