

¡!Surprise!! After a long time, I have returned, I have gone through a difficult time emotionally and mentally, I love writing but I have not felt good to do it, now that passion has returned and has become a therapy for me.
          That said, you have new chapters of "New Life" and another surprise, a new book called "Forgotten Wife", I hope you like them and give them a lot of love. I'll try to update more often this time.


Happy New Year!!!! This year I have proposed to write again, I would like to finish the story I started and perhaps write new stories, but I would like you to tell me your opinion, the other time I did not receive many comments, not to say that I received almost none, I would like know your honest opinion, I know I'm a novice writer and if there's something you don't like or that you think I could improve, tell me without any shame.
          My best wishes for this new year.


I am usually a happy and positive person, but there are also days like today when my mind collapses and says enough and it can't take it anymore. Days like today when I feel so depressed and I just want to cry and cry. I know that I will be fine again and I will feel myself again.
          Sorry to bother you with my problems, but I needed to vent a bit and express my feelings.