
For March, the Inked Quill Book Club will be reading 1984 by George Orwell, a classic dystopian sci-fi. I've heard good things, but as someone who dislikes Fahrenheit 451, I'm a little nervous. 
          	As always, lmk here or on Discord if you'd like to join us <3


@avadel I guess it was a bit too... wordy (for lack of a better word) for me. The style was just too roundabout. It really disappoints me because I wanted to love it, lol. I think it shares a really good message.


Curious—what did you dislike about Fahrenheit 451?


For March, the Inked Quill Book Club will be reading 1984 by George Orwell, a classic dystopian sci-fi. I've heard good things, but as someone who dislikes Fahrenheit 451, I'm a little nervous. 
          As always, lmk here or on Discord if you'd like to join us <3


@avadel I guess it was a bit too... wordy (for lack of a better word) for me. The style was just too roundabout. It really disappoints me because I wanted to love it, lol. I think it shares a really good message.


Curious—what did you dislike about Fahrenheit 451?


For those of you who want to read along with our Book Club, our genre this January will be thriller, and we will be reading We used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer! I hear this one is pretty twisty and dark, so best of luck to those of you who pick it up! 
          And happy holidays to those celebrating :)


@Chmu47 You're more than welcome too :) We use Discord. The invite is in my bio. Then choose it as one of your roles in the server.


@Mariya_Evans Can I join your book club, is there any link to it?


Those who entered here never returned, ever. At least, not wholly. They came back in bits and pieces. A hand without fingers. A bloodied shred of skin. A shriveled toe. All found on the outskirts of Forest Veil, as if spit out by the wild wood.


@drangelon Ahh thank you lol ♥️


@Mariya_Evans ooo, excited to read this ♥️


I've started a small book club. Is there anyone who would be interested in reading along if I announce the book here? December's pick will be fantasy, and we will soon begin voting on the specific book.


@auroraxreverie You're welcome to read along!


@inkysparrow We are starting our first book in December! We'll do a book a month from there. They will be published books.


Happiness isn't based solely on your surroundings. You can be happy even when you don't get what you want. You can be kind even when you don't get what you want. You can be inclusive even when you don't agree with someone. 
          Choose to have a good day <3


QotD ~ 
          What unhealthy mindsets do your characters hold? How do these ideas cause them to react to the world around them?


@Mariya_Evans  They are, their hubris is through the roof. Their meetcute with cold harsh reality is gonna be rough


@XxFaylinexX Haha. A lot of them sound a bit conceited, lol. I'd be interested to see their dynamic among themselves. It seems like they could be blindsided by the fact that they aren't the strongest beings ever created.


So basically they all believe that they can/have to (singlehandedly) change the world, and that they are completely on their own in this. Their biggest mistake is thinking that they are the only power in play, when so much of what is happening is out of their control. They are, in vain, trying to change the things they can't reach, instead of the things they can. It's all cruel optimism and false hope, and convincing themselves that they are doing the right thing until they believe it despite all the warning signs


QotD ~ 
          Hapy autumnnn! Does anyone else's personality change with fall? 
          Any good books on your tbr that you want to cross off this season? And what songs are you listening to right now?


@drangelon Dude, I HAVE to read Red Rising, I just have so many books right now I'm trying to get through. I'm going to put them on my list for November. I keep hearing so many good things.


@Mariya_Evans Definitely!  I love Fall (although Fall where I live is just a "less hot" summer). I love pumpkin spice and scary movies, and I just made a big batch of soup. I've been rereading Pierce Brown's Red Rising series. I'm trying to refresh my memory before reading book 6. Right now, I'm listening to Kiki Rockwell's new album, but I've been in a dark folky kinda mood all day, so I've also been listening to Eivor, Suldusk, and HELGA.