Hey guys! I know it's been a while, and I haven't updated any of my books like in forever. But sadly guys, I have good news and also bad news. Good news is, I'm going to finally complete "Nice for What", and also publish one of two Lucas's books I've been working on.. Yay!!! Right? I'm really excited about it too.
So, moving on to the bad news,(it's not bad news perse,) but it's just that I'm un-publishing "First time". It's like I'm stuck on that one.. No, i have been stuck on it... Like it's just like I've run out of ideas, and then the plot I was going for didn't seem as exciting as it used to be in my head. So After trying to switch things up and make it a lil bit better, I just messed everything up. I'm sorry guys..
Anyways, with that being said, please look forward to my new book, and the upcoming chapters of my old one. Thank you and God bless you!! Amen.