Hey hey hey!!!!
It author null here
With some information about Changes
I removed all my kpop story because one i kinda feel out of plot and stuffs
And i didn't want to make a shipping story yeah..
Cause i been like thinking if i was a idol and i found out my fanfic and i thought hmm how would they feels which is a valid reason for me to stop so yeah.
Please don't send hate or whatever but yeah this is just my opinion and i dont really cares if other do shipping story i yeah
So instead i change to a story with anime characters yeahhh
One is my hero academia (i just started their shows im currently on s2 so yeah)
Two is haikyuu (i just started and is on s2 aswell)
Third is genshin impact (i already ar60 and yeah i been playing since liyue first comes out i believe? I cant remember tho)
And basically my story do constant have my own oc in them
So right now im just updating for my own personal delulu health.
But I don't really expect my books to blow up but yeah!
Just thought of telling just incase if people wonders where my kpop story went
So my account will probably an anime based no kpop
Unless i decided to bring some kpop people in my story as a side character :D
Hope this make sense i guess?
I really dont have a will to write my kpop story anymore cause i didn't feel connected to the book i guess? It just been sitting there rotting haha
Anyways i hope you dont me change my story ways but yeah!
Also the reasons im writing these book is because i want to heal my inner child self.
So that why its based on child reader/oc
So these will be platonic only!
So if i see those comments, i wont hesitate to block you! Or something!
Okay with that i will say hey hey hey~ byeee!