@MarleeFOHever I haven't been on Wattpad in ages, too. Gah! I've been so busy lately, and our computer at home's down with a virus, so it's with the computer doctor. Lol.
Nope, I don't have a Mibba account. But I do have Quizilla and Inkpop.
I use Wattpad more frequently, though. Those self-proclaimed "writers" on Quizilla are just too immature for my taste, declaring that they've got "an original story plot" with "amazing twists" and "unique characters", when all their stories are about shimmering vampires, six-pack abbed Werewolves, student-teacher relationships (which is just gross, by the way) and arranged marriages with emo boys.
I mean, get real. Original? Yeah, right.
The grammar's even bad enough, and the "writers" there shut out any and all constuctive criticism from readers, snapping, "If you don't like my story, then stop reading it!"
And more often than not, their titles are sooo lame, and it practically gives out the whole story, like (take a deep breath...here it goes):
"OMFG, the Boy nExt Door is Hot and his my teachr PLUS he's a SParkly Vampire who wants too hav an arranjed marriage with me!!! (my eyes change colors and i can talk to aminals)"
Lol. I'm not trying to say that I'm better than everyone else. Far from it.
I still have a long way to go with honing my writing skills.
I make grammatical errors and typos, too, but I'm very open to criticism. =)