It's time.

Time to write, time to live, time to give a fuck about what other people say.
It's time to create something new.
Be the person you want to be, not the person others want you to be.
Be yourself and do what you want.

It's Marlen here. You've probably never heard about me cuz I'm an unknown writer. But who knows what the future brings?

Maybe someday you will hold one of my book in your hands and will remember this account on Watty. Or maybe you will never hear about me again. But so is life.
You'll never know what the future brings.

Just never give up your dreams!
  • Bron in the wrong universe
  • JoinedAugust 23, 2019

Story by Marlen E. Pears
Weihnachtsgeschenk by Marlen_E_Pears