Greetings "Devi Kaustubh" ! ... I really would like to find out the origin of this name . Well , I'm "Eternal Stormcloud" . My name reflects darkness and mystery as my deep and dark passion for poetry. My pen is so gifted for sad and gothic poetry . Soon I will publish my first compilation of poems on wattpad . I hope you are one of the first readers ...
Your book "AS I PLANT LILLY ON OUR GRAVE ! " , from the title it is already seen that it is fragrant of lower and sad feelings .
"Lilies are a symbol of unions, partnerships and lasting relationships...
The lily as a symbol of chastity, innocence, purity and piety ...
In symbolic dreams the lily deals with the sanctity of the heart, elegance and the need for clarity or cleanliness... It is also a sign that we are looking for rest, peace and tranquility."
According to
You may have choiced wisly your type of flower or only it was a coincidence .
Who knows ?
Please , keep on writing !
My encouragements !