
Y’all ever feel just absolutely paralyzed with rage for no immediately discernible reason? 


Hey, what’s everyone’s opinions on massive age gap relationships? Like, around a decade or more. I know someone who’s chill with them for the most part, and I’m not sure how to feel. 


@Marquis_de_Lafeyette  Like @Quirklesswizard said, I'm ok with them being legal adults, but not if one of the people is 18 or 19 while the other is thirty something or older. That just weirds me out a lot


@Marquis_de_Lafeyette as long as they’re both legal adults ig, tho I am a bit uncomfortable


Please excuse me, but if anyone here is knowledgeable about plants, then would they be able to provide me with advice? I planted an orange seed, and I’ve found that a single seed ended up producing two plants. They only seem connected to the seed, so should I try to separate them when they seem like they could survive on their own, granted that they are not intertwined or fully merged by then, or should I leave them be? 


Thank you. I’ll leave them. 


@Marquis_de_Lafeyette hello, plant parent here. Leave them be for now, they could be sharing nutrients, etc.


Sorry to be a bother here, but do any of you have any idea why I wake up wide awake at 2 AM after taking melatonin? It seems sort of weird, but I just can’t get to sleep. 


@quirklesswizard same happened to me! I would have trouble falling asleep, would wake up in the middle of the night, and then would wake up super early. That happened for like a week or two straight before my sleep schedule finally fixed itself 


Thank you for the help, I’ll see how it goes. 


I know I bother you all far too often, but I am technically not out of the closet about my gender identification. My parents just think that I prefer a different name, and accept that. The problem is that I am trying to pick an androgynous name that is more commonly a nickname for two binary names, and my parents (Mainly mom.), keep trying to get me to use the feminine one, and I wasn’t planning to come out yet. How should I go about this?
          P.S. This is going to be my legal name because I’m simultaneously being adopted by my stepfather. They wanted to deal with it all at once.


I’ll try, but they can block me using a different name from my current feminine one if they dislike my refusal to agree to use a feminine one. Also, that’s only if my parents don’t have the ability to change my name regardless of my consent. 


Try explaining how you feel about it and see how it goes if they don’t understand choose which name you want because it’s your name not theirs 


          You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy!
          Now post this to everyones wall who you think deserves all the love in the world
          If you get...
          1 back = you are loved
          3 back = your popular 
          5 back = you are the most lovable person out there
          9 back = wow I'm jealous 
          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart!


            You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy! 
            Now post this to everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world. 
            If you get... 
            1 back = You are loved. 
            3 back = You are popular. 
            5 back = You are the most lovable person out there. 
            9 back = Wow, I’m jealous. 
            Don’t break this chain unless you want to break someone’s heart! 


Thanks for adding “Masks Are Optional” to your reading list! Fair warning, though, it is the SECOND BOOK in a duology of mine called “Superheroes Suck” - the first book is called “Spandex Is Mandatory” :) If MAO interested you and you haven’t given SIM a try, I would highly recommend you read the first book as the second book will be incomprehensible without it! If you’ve already read SIM then I hope you enjoyed it and that you enjoy the sequel equally as much! Thank you for all of your support; it means a lot to me :)
          Happy reading!
          Lia :)


Yeah, thanks, it’s currently in my library. It’s a hella good book, by the way, I came over from The Blog of a Teenage Superhero. Nice crossover.