
"Hello dear readers, (hope you spare a few minutes to read my last msg)
          	As I sit down to write this message, I'm filled with a mix of emotions - sadness, gratitude, and a hint of nostalgia. It's hard to believe it's been over a month since I unpublished my stories, and yet, it feels like just yesterday I was pouring my heart and soul into them.
          	I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported me on this journey. Your reads, likes, and comments meant the world to me. I'm still in awe that my book was on its way to crossing 1 million reads - a dream I never thought would be within reach."our little princess"
          	But, I have to admit, it's been a little disheartening to see that only a handful of you noticed my stories were gone. I know I didn't say an official goodbye, but I hoped that my work had made some kind of impact.
          	Despite the silence, I want you to know that I appreciate the time you invested in reading my stories. It was a difficult decision to unpublish them, but I feel it was necessary for my own well-being.
          	As I bid farewell to this chapter of my writing journey, I hope you'll remember the stories that touched your hearts. Keep reading, keep dreaming, and know that I'll always be grateful for the time we shared.
          	Farewell, dear readers.
          	Your ex author [Maryyn]"


@Marryyn8 Stay well and healthy too love <33


@Marryyn8 I knew smth was off when I didn't notice your stories up anymore, I absoulutely loved your stories it's a bitter sweet moment, I'm glad I got to experience what you had to offer. I hope one day you can come back and continue doing what you love. Thanks for being there supporting me when I wanted to become a Wattped writer myself. Just know your fans will always love you and you hold a special place in my heart <33. Lots of love from a friend and fan.. <333


I never forget you aapi 