
Good day everyone, I would like to inform you that chapter 2 of my new book Look Beyond the Hills is out! Please check it out and let me know what you think!~~


Hello friends! I would like to inform you that the reason Not Today hasn't been updated is because I've started another new book. The concept I have for it is very unique, and I hope it will inspire others and educate people on what life is like for others. Chapter one will be posted sometime this month, I want it to be a surprise so there will be no spoilers until it is released. I'm excited to see how this book plays out and if everyone will enjoy it. 


Hello everyone, since summer has started for me I haven't had access to a computer due to me turning in my school labtop. This is going to make it harder to update my book so the update schedule will not resume until sometime in August. I will continue to update my book, just not with the schedule and probably not as often. I wanted to make sure I notify everyone so you don't think I'm dead lol. The next chapter will be out sometime this week. Thanks for your cooperation! ~~


Helloo everyone! So I've recently updated my Not Today book! (After 20 years ._.) I've decided I'm going to start a book update schedule so I don't get behind and you guys don't have to wait.  I will update my books every Monday and Friday sometimes more if I have the time. I have not finished writing my Not Today book so some updates may be delayed as I am still writing in my rough draft notebook. Also while I am at it, I highly recommend the book Storm and Silence, I have been reading it a lot recently and I think everyone should read it. Anyways, this message is way too long and I need to get ready for school. I will talk to everyone tomorrow after my new book update!~~


I've finally started updating my book War Bound. I don't know if I'll ever update my doctor who fan fictions. I'm working on a new book but I'm just waiting on my book cover to be finished before I type the first few chapters. I'll keep everyone updated! ~


hello everyone my first 3 books have been published and the next few will be up soon! I'm thinking about publishing one of my non-fanfiction books called War Bound and it's 36 pages in a normal composition book so it will take me a while to type. Tell me what you think↓