Thanks to y'all for the birthday wishes, honestly surprised me that people are still active! lol. I'm 18 now, and rarely ever use this app anymore. Everything is so different from five years ago, I'm different from five years ago. A lot of shits happened, and I've grown a lot as a person, which i can confidently say now. I'm sorry to everyone for not posting anymore, I honestly fell out of writing a while ago, I know you guys can tell lmao. I just, feel like this is one of those things you move on from as you get older. I started Wattpad when i was like 13!! Now here I am, a whole ass adult about to move away for college and looking back here brings so many amazing and awful memories from when I was younger. I was such a dick to some of my best friends here, and I can't apologize enough for that. I met some of my closest friends here, and I only just reconnected with one of them. I don't want to ramble, but coming back here always gets me thinking about back then and I always ask myself what I wish I did differently. Thank you to everyone that has supported and loved me and my goofy stories about gay sex lmfao, you were my light during some of my darkest times. I might not write anymore, but i think I'll stick around a little bit longer. I get a weird nostalgic feeling every time I'm on. I look up old friends and wonder where they are and how there doing. Maybe one day we'll meet again and it'll feel like back then; what do I know though. Anyway, thank you everyone, thank you so much. Five years of love and support, I wouldn't have it any other way.