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My smile can hide everything,every simple cut on my wrist,every tear i left.I feel so alone,you know..I had enough.I just hope that everything's going to be okay,because my thoughts don't mean the same.They mean,that's nothing going to be fine,or okay.Other pupils,have everything A'es.I can't mom and dad be so perfect like others. I'm sorry for having suicidal kid... I mean,that everything what i do,makes the pain go away. Cutting,pills,alcohol,ciggaretes.. everything makes the pain go away.You said,that if i'm going to tell you my secret that you won't leave.I told you my secrets,and you start judging about cutting,or every simple tear.You started making fun of me.I thought that you're gonna help me..But i'm stupid,I have to smile,and nobody will ask if everything is okay,or to tell you that you can tell him everything,every secret..And they're going to find out how I was fucked up when i die.I just can't take it anymore. I can't.Everything is spiralling out of control. There's so much shit in my life,that i don't know from where do i have to start…Please,don't ask me if I'm okay,or something else,because i might open up to you,and then you're going to leave,because you're only curios. You don't care for me,or what's going to happened if I'm alone in my room,alone with my thoughts. Because,i don't handle things very well. One word 'f*,bi*h,sl*t'or something else can make me to do something you regret later.You don't know how much words hurt,or just one word. I can't describe that.I'm so fucked up,i wanna die.When i'm going to die,when i'm not going to be here anymore, everything is going to be better.Your life,my life. I'm going to be in hell,because when you kill yourself,you're going to hell.i'm so fucked up,i wanna die,i don't wanna live anymore. And my life is not so nice. Isn't at all. If your life is so perfect,then live my life alone. I hate me,and my life;because everyone are leaving from me… you see;you or someone else are my life. And then, you left. :)