
Dont even know when the last update for my book was honestly. I am working on it but my personality is procrastination and laziness so y'know that's that. But we are SO CLOSE TO A THOUSAND READS!!! THATS FRICKING INSANE!!! THANK UUUU! When we do hit that milestone I'll definitely release a chapter at that point but I dunno if I will beforehand cause again I'm lazy


Dont even know when the last update for my book was honestly. I am working on it but my personality is procrastination and laziness so y'know that's that. But we are SO CLOSE TO A THOUSAND READS!!! THATS FRICKING INSANE!!! THANK UUUU! When we do hit that milestone I'll definitely release a chapter at that point but I dunno if I will beforehand cause again I'm lazy


The update for the Void fic should be out today or tommorow and then there should be two more soon enough, I apologize, writers block hit me harder than a train and I was busy, but I promise to get better at updating!