Hi everyone, this is Ev here with some bad news... Ang and I have both been locked out of this account since Wattpad was hacked a couple months back, and despite our efforts to regain access to it we can't get back in. Unfortunately, this means that we won't be finishing Rise Up or any of the other books/series on this profile. We're really sorry to leave you all hanging, but quite frankly we're both really busy these days, and as some of you may have noticed we were starting to become inactive a while before this even happened. Nevertheless, we apologize for having to end it like this.
Although we probably won't be very active on Wattpad anymore, we have created a new account, @MarvelHamiltonTales , where we might post a few snippets of writing that we had saved up for sequels and whatnot, so if you're interested in that you can check it out-- if we ever make a return to wattpad, it would probably be on there, so if you liked our content you can always follow that account, and you'll be notified if we return. For now, I want to thank you all for your support-- it truly meant a lot to us, and we would've never gotten as far as we did without you all.
Stay safe everyone!
Raise a glass to freedom
~Ev (and Ang)