
hey Maddy, if you see this I BEG you literally BEG you to not remove me.. i don’t know what happened but one day you just broke our contact. It broke my heart because you mean so much to me. I don’t even know if you remember me.. but It’s Ella.. I’ve been avoiding writing to you here because this is the only thing I have left.. so again I beg you if you see this don’t remove me. I really miss you.. like really really miss you. I’ve been writing to you on snap.. even tho I know you won’t answer.. Maddy you really mean so much to me you would even know.. please come back, I miss you so much. I hope your doing okay btw, I’ve been reading the first and apparently only chapter of our book over and over again.. and looking at old videos.. maybe you don’t care about me but I really care about you Maddy.. so please come back.. or text me.. just please don’t remove me.. I love you 3000 / ELLA (msdtla) ❤️‍


Maddy we both love you so much ❤️‍


she’s the one you had an account with remember ? 


also Rosie misses you, we both want you back so bad.. please Maddy 