Hey everyone! Check out this girl's story, Winning Royalty, because it's one of my favorites! Highly recommended :D this is her profile:
Hey everyone! Check out this girl's story, Winning Royalty, because it's one of my favorites! Highly recommended :D this is her profile:
Good news! Grab Time by the Hand is no longer on hold!! I didn't think the major writer's block would go away so quickly, but because of things that have happened recently, I got the inspiration to write a new chapter! :D
this is for whoever is reading my story "Grab Time by the Hand"... I've decided to put it on hold for who knows how long, maybe a couple weeks or maybe a couple months. I'm just staring at a blank wall for this story. It's sooo frustrating and I'm sorry to everyone :(
Buuut I've been putting some focus into a story I'm really excited to write!!! Maybe I'll post it soon!!!
hey everyone! Ok I normally don't advertise but you gotta check out @MokiHunter because she's new to wattpad and would love for people to welcome her with reads and other stuff!
I've had a bigg delay on my newest chapter for Grab Time by the Hand, sorry! Yesterday I wasn't in the happiest mood to work on it, and today I lost my electricity. I still haven't gotten it back, but now I'm at my grandmother's house, so I have internet! You wouldn't believe my crazy day... lol