
I know my booklist are full but I need a yoonmin ff pls  I’m picky so here’s what i like : -3rd person pov
          	- interesting plot
          	- something that makes sense (if that makes sense) 
          	- yoongi « top » 
          	Anyways you can still recommend and I’ll check anything 


I know my booklist are full but I need a yoonmin ff pls  I’m picky so here’s what i like : -3rd person pov
          - interesting plot
          - something that makes sense (if that makes sense) 
          - yoongi « top » 
          Anyways you can still recommend and I’ll check anything 


Thank you for the follow < 3 i follow back. I really like ur taste in books and it seems like we have some in common : D 


You’re welcome, I followed you because i loved one comment you posted in a ff. well I have read a loooot of books and have many more to read so be free to search in my booklists to find whatever you want <3


My baby boy is born. I had a c-section on the 29th because my contractions were too close and he wasn't having it. His heartbeat was slowing down and I also was starting to be weak. But everything went well. I love him so much he's the cutest smol bean ever ❤️


@Marvelouuus omg congrats! hope you have a nice recovery and i hope your baby the best!


@Marvelouuus  Congratulation!!!! 


40 weeks preggo and baby boy doesn't seems motivated to get out. But tbh I wish he would bc it's becoming painful and I even have lot of trouble to walk ‍♀️ Come on baby, everyone is waiting for you 


@Marvelouuus take care! I hope the little angel comes out soon! Fighting! 


Killers school is posted. Don't hesitate to read it and to give feedback. I'm gonna post the first chapter today after doing some jam with my grandma (don't worry I'm gonna give some to jimin). ♡♡♡


@Queen99998  It's okay, thank u. Congrats to you too ;) Well if I was in bed rest this story would have been updated sooner, but I'm not and still have a lot to do before this bby come :) 


Thanks for telling me. And congratulations on the baby. My sister just gave birth to her daughter in October, and was in bed rest for her pregnancy so I know where your coming for. (I’m sorry)


@Queen99998  When my son will be born I guess, I'm too tired rn (9 months preggo, not easy) 


So I had a dream a few days ago and it inspired me to write a Yoonmin fanfiction. I'm kind of scared bc it's gonna be the first time that I'll try writing in English who isn't my native language. Nevermind, I'm gonna post the prologue tomorrow, hope that someone's gonna read it. :))


@Marvelouuus You can count on it :D


Okay so, with my pregnancy I'm so tired that I spend my day in my bed and It's kinda boring, like everytime that I get up, I feel lightheaded and have the world spinning around me. Anyway, that's not the point. I have a request, do you guys know where I can find a Yoonmin Smut TeacherXstudent book bc I've found some but it's either bad written or not finished since 2005.. I thank y'all in advance for your answers and if this flops then do like I don't exist :))


@_Army-Bomb It would be nice sweetheart 


I can send it to you. 