
و تظن انك لم تجد شيئا مثيرا للاهتمام لتقرأه 
          ثم تأتي روايتي و تحط بين يديك
          روايتي المنسوجة بخيوط من الغموض و الخيال و لمسة كوميدية  تفرج صدرك
          انه القدر الذي حاك لك التقائك بها
          خذ الأمر بجدية فقد تكون هذه أجمل صدفة مررت بها


Hello, I see you started a new book.
          I'm not sure if you read a lot of english books (I'm assuming so since you self-advertised on my English profile).
          If you're looking for a place to hang out with English Wattpad authors, share your book, or participate in book clubs, there is a Wattpad Dreamland discord server that's open to everyone.
          Bottom has a section for sharing books (please only post in the proper channels!), and there are plenty of channels to talk about writing in general. (Many people mute some/most of the channels since there are so many things going on.)
          Have an awesome day!