@sloanranger It doesn't always have to be Tupperware, in fact I have never found actual Tupperware. We've found things like waterproof matchstick containers, ammo cans, lock-n-locks, and bison tubes. There are many, many people who hide and look for the containers. They are all over the world.
Sometimes it's just a logbook in the container, but if the container is large enough there is what we call "SWAG" inside. It's often small toys, coins, and the logbook.
If you enjoy hiking and looking for hidden objects you would most likely enjoy geocaching.
Geocaching is all aver the world. There are over a million hides all over the world. We enjoy the ones that take us to see things we may not have known were there, like hidden waterfalls, beautiful scenery, a historic site, or even somewhere that has a gorgeous sunset or sunrise. It's also a great way to get exercise without even realizing you are doing it. LOL