
guys I'll be updating I'm Saturday and Sunday because due to my school :"(


Hello, I was wondering if you would read my book called His girl, Her dream and a guardian? I just need a couple of people to give me feedback, and since this book is kindof a jelsa book I was wondering if you would read it? Its a love triangle and you need to continue reading in the next updated chapters in order to see a bit of jelsa... any way thank you for your time!


@jelsa177 hey um can u shoutout my name pls byways nice stories :)


@jelsa177 Hey um. I have a suggestions of I want it or no it's ok it's just appears in my mind umm if u make like tadashi and Elsa are helping each other on their baymax like there was sla failure that it explode or something then Elsa died then she was chose by Manny just like the other so.. if u want that or if u have something to ask just msg :D