
You know it's going to be your worst birthday ever when you wake up to: Trump's the president! 


Thanks for the advice. In honest words, I am still trying to find my 'creative side' and its comments like yours that help me a bit. I'm still doing the whole 'go with the flow' thing but that helps me understand what I think like and trying out different structures will soon help me figure what type of writer I am. So thank you once again.


You're welcome; I remember what is was like when I was starting out and how much I wished I had more encouragement so I try to do just that for other poets when I come across them. I'm glad my advice helped you out and I hope you continue to enrich and exercise your creative side


Ok, so I've made the decision to, for now, dedicate my profile to my poetry and other writings more so than fanfic, because I honestly don't get much free time anymore and I'd like to spend what little of it I have focusing on things that are more centrally my creativity. I may or may not start bringing stuff back this summer, we'll see.