
Hi Everyone!!!!
          	Special Announcement! I will slowly but surely continue to write my story and all. Shoutout and support my friend's book too...
          	Congratulation to SPM Students 2022/2023. All the pain and effort are worth it in the end. We struggle together to strive for the result we want. So in the end, just keep calm and take a pinch of salt in life. Follow the flow. 
          	Luv, you guyss


Hi Everyone!!!!
          Special Announcement! I will slowly but surely continue to write my story and all. Shoutout and support my friend's book too...
          Congratulation to SPM Students 2022/2023. All the pain and effort are worth it in the end. We struggle together to strive for the result we want. So in the end, just keep calm and take a pinch of salt in life. Follow the flow. 
          Luv, you guyss


Happy Eid Mubarak to All Muslim around the world.
          Selamat hari raya. Maaf zahir dan batin
          We seek forgiveness and cherish the people that we love.
          It's cliche but it's comes from the heart to all my readers.
          Selamat beraya!!!


          Ya've become mature girl already... Hope ya always stay happy and NO MORE STRESS!!! I love ya and remember will always support ya in rl also in here~ Never ever give in life and try doing everything ya want!!! Love ya and bye²✨


@Mary_tobio well you're welcome honey


@10bLacKcAT No wonder, earlier you chuckled like a crazy person... btw thank you... bitch 


Haii everyone
          Sorry I couldn't write the new chapter for Red String right now. But I will try writing it everyday. In the meantime I'm really busy with school work and my examination is just around the corner. There's a lot of things to do with all kind of project and assignment that need to be send around the corner
          Thank you for reading my book. I really appreciatiate it. Luv you all