
@Codebreakeryuuki haha i izayas my man and i love code breaker too i was like woah when i saw the first episode


Hi! I'm Angel and I know this is a little late, but...
          I hope you like it here as much as I do, and hopefully you do at some point post your works. And I read your self-description and I agree. I hate drama, especially in those books where there's some snotty girl who's like, "GET AWAY FROM MY GUY!" and I'm like, "Come on guys, stop being so cliche?" 
          Haha, anyway... I will proceed to proclaim that I am always willing to help, so if you need anything further explained, I will be happy to assist you :) And I do insist that you post your books, and when you do, I'll be happy to read them for you :D
          Yours till the cat meows,
          Angel :)