
@daracustis Yes, sure that's totally fine:) xx


hello maskofsmilles I know what ur going through and I have to face it every day of my life. I crave for the sensation of cutting my self every second of every day. I have sort of stoped even though I never wanna stop. I know you like never really reply but please tell me that u cut for the right reasons not for the wrong and by wrong I mean attention PERSONALLY I think nobody cuts for attention there has to be that one thing that that made them thing "GOD I need to cut" but hay I guess everyone cuts them self ones.


omg i loved your story omg it's perf, i can also so totally relate! i got worse in my depression when i got dumped by my ex that i was with two times, i am still in love with him though and i have to act like i don't love him but we're really close...he knows about everything and i would do the same if he drew a butterfly for me, but it will never happen. i'm going to try it though :$


I love your writing, it's nice to see someone else go through the same things as me and post about it. It gives me an odd sense of relief, just like feeling the pain and life as it drains out of me. I am sick of people saying that I need to go see a shrink, I have my own way out of it. Telling someone else will just make me crave it even more, the boy thing has happened to me before to. I dedicated a song to him, and a few scars.