
First story I'll be working on is Marriage to him, since when! 
          	..yeah.... so... this will be a lot of work and will more than likely be completely rewritten.


Hello! It's been a really, really long time since I've logged into this account (and even longer since I've written anything) BUT I'm really going to try and make a lot more effort for you guys! So there may be some new stories posted, some old ones updated, covers changed, ect. I'm a completely different person now and I think my stories will reflect that so I may also be editing the hell out of old stories to just update them, and breath new life into them as well. 
          That being said, how has everyone been? How many of my old followers still use this website? I really do miss y'all so so so much.


Hey everyone! So I know that I haven't been on this account posting in years... It feels strange that my first post of Vampires and an Arranged Marriage was eight years ago on quizilla.... Recently I've been struck with the urge to being writing again (yay!) but have decided to create a new profile as a fresh start. All of my old works will be posted there, as soon as I am done editing the chapters & I plan to keep on updating them until they are finished. I am so thankful for all of you and hopefully you're willing to follow me on my journey in my new account: unnoticedmaiden 


Lately, I've lost my inspirations and hope and needing to find myself again, 
          I'm searching for new inspiration to help me continue on. 
          Vocally, I'm searching for new techniques and inspirations to improve my voice
          Musically, I'm lost, and searching for a new sound while trying to stay true 
          Personally, I'm stumbling through the world trying to take it in stride and music definitely helps  
          As A Writer, I really need inspirations and I find myself trapped into the same old ideas again and again. I will continue writing but I'm still searching for that special something.