
Hey need to know from several people about whether I should keep my poems and writings on Wattpad. I don't honestly know why I put them on here in the first place, and only two people seem to be interested and my poems are kind of..personal most of the time so...I just, don't know. Please let me know yes or no if I should keep them on here or even my whole account and why...thanks.


Hey need to know from several people about whether I should keep my poems and writings on Wattpad. I don't honestly know why I put them on here in the first place, and only two people seem to be interested and my poems are kind of..personal most of the time so...I just, don't know. Please let me know yes or no if I should keep them on here or even my whole account and why...thanks.


@AnonymouslyWritten2 Thank you...I'll think about it..


I think YES! I mean, you do not have to put everything on here. I haven't put up 90% of my poems or writings just because they're so darn personal. But I think you should keep it up (at least what you feel comfortable with) because you are an amazing and talented writer who deserves far more than the 712 reads and the 88 votes you already have. And you never know, just because someone doesn't comment or click vote doesn't mean they are not reading and enjoying it. I've done that to some authors on here. Even if you do decide to take it down, please send me things. But I really do think you should keep it, but it is your choice.