Hey! Welp... Summer is almost over and as you can see I got practically nothing in! Okay, so it's a little busy right now, too. A lot of things are happening and all, so I may not post for a little bit. I will try to get a little bit of a more stable schedule for posting rather than posting like every two months. I'll try to make it like maybe every two weeks and when my schedule is less crowded about every once a week. It should work out... No promises, after all my past message was like "More posts!" And then there was only like one or two posts... Yup. I sure am responsible, but I will most definitely try to get more of a schedule. Hopefully this will make it a little less frustrating for those who read my stories! Thanks to everyone who has followed me and read my stories. It really means a lot to me. (Sorry for such a long message, but thanks to those of you who read it through and put up with all my long messages and late stories!"

Oh! One more thing to add (as if that message wasn't long enough), I would really love comments and messages on my stories, even if they're criticism it really helps me get better. Although nothing like "Your story sucks" Because although I don't mind you saying that I won't really be able to get better from that! Thanks!