
Nothing like coming in to look at some comments and then disappearing for another year unless someone says something that catches me off guard.


Ayup gamers, 
          I am absolutely in love with Charlie Slimecicle and Jack Manifold but there aren’t any like x readers about them so if anyone finds some please tell me I am in desperate need for free serotonin and love from my comfort streamers. 
          Love you gamers <3


Me: I just want to have a fantasy enemy’s to lovers kind of thing.
          My friend: how would that even work?
          Me: like I’m the villain and they are the hero trying to kill me but end up just falling in love with me. But every time I’ve tried something like that people just hate me.


@CursedamI you willing to try and kill me for the greater good and then disappoint everyone when you can’t do it?